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2015 - my jubilee year

In December, 1975 I had got my first licence. 40 years of active operation prefers in CW with the call signs DM2AEA, Y21EA and DL3KWR have worldwide clear impressions leave. Therefore my family took this jubilee to the occasion to surprise me to the birthday with an individual stamp „ 40 years amateur radio station “ which daughter Sabine, DL3KWS, had formed.
For about 20 years I take part in international YL meetings and am a member of the YL clubs of Japan, New Zealand, Australia, the USA and Scandinavia.
For many years the participation in big CW contests has become the gist of my radio operation. There the operation comes on vacation - here in particular from the island Madeira. Also with 100 watts and modest aerials one can "win the world", even if without spectacular results.

How does one celebrate now 40 years of amateur radio life? - one operates a lot. And if one cannot draw the attention with a personal special call sign to himself, one activates YL club call signs.

Therefore I operated during our Denmark vacation in September as a SYLRA member as OZ6SYL. In this time fell the CW part of the Scandinavian Contest (SAC). Of course I have taken part in it - for the first time as a "Scandinavian". I became to my surprise with 485 QSOs the best YL Scaninavians and got a Trophy donated by Ulf SB3W.

I took part in the WAG contest as DLØYLV and provided with the DOK "YLV" with some OMs for confusion. In the contest WWDX CW there was with 458 QSOs as DAØYL no problems.
With the jubilee-special call signs DJ9ØIARU, DL65DARC and DK65DARC I had brought 1,460 CW QSOs in the logs.

At the beginning of December I presented once again DAØYL in the TOPS Activity Contest (TAC) and finished with it my jubilee activities.
Of the TOP contest I had taken part in 1976 for the first time. At that time it was organised by the English TOP CLUB CW on 80-metre only. Before 10 years the Romanian Professional Radio Operator's CW Club (PRO-CW-CLUB Internationally) the contest has taken over and to the 5 bands has extended contest. Thanks to changed admission rules and good references I got in November, 2015 the full membership in this club. Now therefore I had to start as "a new-certified profi”. As DAØYL I was classified to the category club stations and reached there the 3rd place. In the professional category this result would have been a more certainly 8th place.

All in all, have got my jubilee year 9,866 QSOs (99.2% CW) to my log. And the whole result of my amateur-radio-life are 164,330 QSOs with 50 different call signs. More than 350 certificates and awards - increasingly electronic - fill briefcases and memories. To think in such categories, I would not even have to dream 40 years ago risquély.

... Stamp of my jubilee................. ..... SAC 2015: Best YL

...Membership of PRO CW CLUB ........ TAC 2015 3. place